Construct Iraq Social

You are invited to CONSTRUCT IRAQ, ...

constructiraq 2023/11/09 14:38:17

You are invited to CONSTRUCT IRAQ, which will take place between 14-16 November at Erbil International Fairground! 📣💻📣

📌 Get your online invitation now:

#constructiraq2023 #constructingtogether #iraq #erbil #construct #build #energy #electric #hvac #constructionindustry

You are invited to CONSTRUCT IRAQ, which will take place between 14-16 November at Erbil International Fairground! 📣💻📣

📌 Get your online invitation now:

#constructiraq2023 #constructingtogether #iraq #erbil #construct #build #energy #electric #hvac #constructionindustry